HOLLAND. knew the word must be spread through as many different channels as possible with less than 24 hrs notice! The team created a rapid-to-market strategy that would rely on five main channels to spread the message: TV for mass awareness, influencers for community buzz building, radio for those who lost access to their TV’s, online publications for in-depth stories about the mission, and organic social media for an instant, up-to-date direct communications between Gozova and those in need! These individual tactics had to work together to help spread the news like wildfire and ensure the campaign’s success. Activating press guaranteed the campaign’s success, not by celebrating the company but by spreading the word far and wide! HOLLAND. designed the press strategy to flip the script and take the client out of the spotlight; instead, press became a megaphone to connect the Fort Worth community to those seeking to help. By mobilizing the HOLLAND. network of community influencers, who graciously posted and shared the message on their accounts, the news spread even quicker and further. Beyond press, HOLLAND. supported the Gozova team in creating a direct response campaign to leverage their social media to communicate transparently about delays, locations, updates, and other pertinent information with their followers throughout the process. This direct communication positioned their social channels as their customer service response team and created an authentic connection between Gozova and struggling Fort Worthians.